
A conversation*...
"Most of the time, I feel like I'm choking and struggling to catch my breath. Everyone is in a hurry. Nobody appears to be paying attention to anyone else. The lack of attention from others annoys me. In fact, it seems nobody listens to me, and at times, I feel so alone. It hurts."
“I hear you. You said you hear the noises, and you notice that nobody seems to be listening to anybody, and yet, you hear them. What about now? Do you feel that someone is listening to you? I am here; I listen to you.”
* Composite script​
One of the sources of chaos in a relationship is the absence of listening. Hearing is not listening. Hearing is for an auditory sound, which we put meaning to. Sometimes, our interpretation of the sound deviates from the speaker's intended meaning. Particularly, this happens when we hear words that do not align with our expectations or preferences.
Listening, on the other hand, requires much effort. It involves going beyond the mere sound. It requires the listener to understand what the speaker has truly meant by what they say. It requires a concerted effort between our senses—a sensory interaction, in fact. Our sense of feeling, which extends beyond physical touch, plays a significant role. Emotions closely correlate with this sense of feeling. Has anyone asked you, “How are you feeling?” The sense of feeling is a major influencer of how we are truly able to listen to the feelings of others, not only actually understanding them but, most importantly, being present with others through listening empathetically.
​Carl Rogers, one of the founders of person-centred psychotherapy, eloquently said, "We think we listen, but very rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy. Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know."​

​I have some questions for you to ponder upon.
Do you find yourself becoming anxious for no apparent reason when you hear your voice, breathing, or heartbeat at any given time of the day, whether you are in the company of others or alone by yourself?
Despite being reasonably physically healthy and in the absence of any acute medical condition, do you experience chronic pain in your body that prevents you from getting the rest and sleep you so desperately need?
Have you noticed that the meaning of life is getting distant from you, or its value altogether is becoming lesser every day?
Do you always worry about everything, and sometimes not worrying causes you anxiety?
Have you experienced the loss of someone or something dear to you, leading you to feel that your life is becoming increasingly unworthy as each minute passes?
Are you feeling fearful of many things around you, and thought of running away from them?
Are you experiencing tension in your relationships with those who are dear to you? Are you hoping to restore your relationships, but unsure of how to proceed?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, therefore, you begin to hear and listen to your own voice, and you begin to deeply feel what your inner self is requesting. You sense the need to seek the therapeutic care your body and spirit require.
At Listening Post, empathetic listening is the first approach that I could offer you. I will employ all other relevant approaches within the framework of spirituality-integrated therapeutic psychotherapy, with your consent and participation.
I offer a 20-minute free initial phone conversation to assess if we could walk together to find the healing that you are looking for, in the spirit of hope, for your body and spirit.
Give me a call.